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Useful phrases in Spanish

It’s not easy to fit all the most useful Spanish phrases on one A4 page. Therefore, not to overwhelm you, we provide just a few polite expressions, as well as examples of useful phrases for vacations, along with a list of words that will allow you to construct your own sentences and surely impress your friends!

Spain is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Europe. The Canary Islands, on the other hand, are the best choice for warm and sunny vacations, especially during winter, as the sun shines here for about 350 days a year. Don’t believe it? Read our article about the weather in Tenerife.

Not all of us had the opportunity to learn this beautiful language. However, all is not lost! The important thing is that the lack of knowledge of the language doesn’t hinder you in choosing tourist destinations and that even attempting to use it gives you satisfaction during your vacations. That’s why we have prepared basic and useful Spanish phrases that will definitely be enough to shine during your vacations!


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