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How to climb Mount Teide?

Teide view from Roques de Garcia
Mount Teide

Mount Teide, the highest peak in Spain and one of the main attractions of Tenerife, offers several options for reaching its summit. Each of them provides unforgettable experiences but requires proper preparation.

The journey begins with reaching the base of the volcano, where the Teleférico cable car station and the start of the hiking trail are located. The starting point lies at an altitude of around 2,200 meters above sea level, which is already a challenge for many tourists. There are two main options: a hike to the summit or taking the cable car. The cable car takes visitors up to about 3,550 meters above sea level, close to the summit. For those who prefer hiking, the trail is quite demanding but incredibly scenic.

It is important to note that the Altavista Refuge, which used to provide overnight accommodation during the climb, is currently closed, meaning more thorough planning of the trip is required. For a single-day ascent, it is particularly crucial to monitor weather conditions, which can change rapidly at this altitude. Regardless of the chosen method to reach the summit, Mount Teide offers spectacular views and an unforgettable experience, attracting nature lovers from all over the world.

Mount Teide can be conquered in three different ways:

Easy – taking the Teleférico cable car, with prior reservation, and reaching the summit of Mount Teide with a valid permit, which must be obtained before the trip.

Intermediate – involves a hike with a planned overnight stay, although the Altavista Refuge, which was previously available, is currently closed. A permit reservation is required for access to the summit.

Advancedconsists of a night hike, lasting about 5 hours. In this case, it is also essential to obtain a permit to reach the summit of Mount Teide, which should be reserved well in advance.

Day Trip with Permit Reservation

Cable car to Mount Teide
Teleférico cable car

The easiest option for a trip to Mount Teide requires prior reservation of a free permit to access the summit. Due to high demand, it is recommended to book the permit 3 to 6 months in advance. The process is simple – you just need to visit the volcano El Teide National Park website, select a specific date and time (available in 2-hour intervals). During the reservation, you will need to provide your passport or ID number. After obtaining the permit, you should also book a ticket for the Teleférico cable car for the same day and time to synchronize your entire trip.

The cable car ride takes only 7 minutes, and the ticket costs around 40 euros for a round trip. After reaching the upper station, located at an altitude of 3,550 meters above sea level, a short hike to the summit of Mount Teide awaits. Although the trail is only 700 meters long, it goes entirely uphill, and due to the altitude and thinner air, it may take about 30 minutes. It's important to remember that the reduced oxygen content at this height can make the effort feel more strenuous. Despite the challenges, the views from the summit of El Teide more than compensate for the climb.

At the end of the article, we provide detailed instructions on how to easily obtain a permit to access the summit.

Overnight Trip at the Altavista Refuge (Option temporarily unavailable)

Path to Mount Teide
Montaña Blanca

An overnight trip at the Altavista Refuge on Mount Teide is a more challenging but incredibly rewarding adventure. It requires prior reservation of a permit to access the summit, which should be booked at least 3 months in advance due to the limited number of available permits. Booking a night at the Altavista Refuge also requires advance planning and must be made through the official website.

It's important to reach the refuge before 9:00 PM. The path to Altavista is well-marked, and Trail No. 7 begins at the foot of Montaña Blanca, where there is a small parking lot for about 10 cars. The hike takes around 4 hours, but it's advisable to plan breaks for rest, especially under the full sun.

You can drive to Montaña Blanca, which offers more time flexibility, or take bus No. 342, which departs from Costa Adeje at 9:15 AM. The journey takes about 1.5 hours, and the bus stop is located at an altitude of 2,200 meters above sea level.

The overnight stay at the Altavista Refuge is ideal for those who need more time to acclimatize to the changing altitude and pressure. Staying overnight allows the body to gradually adjust to the mountain conditions, making the climb more comfortable and enjoyable.

From the Refuge to the Summit

Path to the summit of Mount Teide
Path to the summit of Mount Teide

After reaching the Altavista Refuge, you can rest and prepare for the second part of the journey to the summit of Mount Teide. The refuge is situated at an altitude of 3,266 meters above sea level, while the summit rises to 3,718 meters. The main goal of this trek is to reach the summit in time to witness the sunrise from the crater. On Tenerife, sunrise occurs between 7:00 and 8:00 AM. To be sure of the exact time, it’s a good idea to check online beforehand by searching for "sunrise El Teide".

The hike from the refuge to the summit takes about 1.5 hours. It’s important not to overestimate the amount of extra time, as waiting at the summit can be uncomfortable due to the cold and biting wind. We recommend starting around 5:30 AM, adjusting this time based on the exact sunrise hour. As you ascend, the trail becomes more challenging because the thinner air slows oxygen absorption, increasing fatigue. Another challenge is the steeper incline and rocky terrain.

After about an hour of walking, you’ll reach the upper cable car station, leaving the final section—700 meters to the summit of Volcano El Teide. This last part is the most difficult, even though it only takes about 30 minutes. However, it’s a good idea to leave a little extra time and take frequent breaks, as the steep and physically demanding path can be tough. Once you overcome this last challenge, the reward will be the incredible view of the sunrise from Spain’s highest peak, leaving unforgettable memories.

Night Hike

Photographer taking a picture on the path to El Teide
Path to the summit of El Teide

A nighttime ascent of Mount Teide requires a prior permit reservation. At the end of the article, you will find a step-by-step guide on how to obtain it. This option is intended for people in good physical condition, as the trail steadily climbs with changing inclines. Before taking on this challenge, it's a good idea to prepare physically, for example, by training on easier mountain trails or engaging in regular physical activity.

The journey begins at night, with the goal of reaching the summit before sunrise. We recommend resting beforehand and getting about 2-3 hours of sleep. The hike from Montaña Blanca to the refuge takes about 3.5 hours on average, from the refuge to the upper cable car station about 1 hour, and the final section to the summit around 30 minutes. For the night hike, the total time is around 5 hours, depending on the participant's fitness level.

We recommend starting from Montaña Blanca (Trail No. 7) between 2:00 and 3:00 AM, depending on the season and the time of sunrise. The first three-hour section is relatively gentle, so it's best to maintain a steady, brisk pace with short breaks. Upon reaching the refuge, you can take a break, but it should not exceed 30 minutes to prevent your muscles from cooling down.

Remember to continuously monitor the time until sunrise by checking the exact hour online (Google search: "sunrise El Teide").

From the Refuge to the Summit

Huge shadow of Volcano El Teide
Shadow of Mount Teide

We recommend leaving the Altavista Refuge about an hour and a half before the planned sunrise. This is when the second part of the journey begins, which is much more challenging. The incline becomes steeper, and the terrain turns rocky, making this section require more physical effort. After completing this part, you will reach the upper Teleférico cable car station. From there, you can already see the goal of your trek—the majestic summit of Mount Teide.

The final stretch of the trail, though short, is the most demanding. Due to the steep ascent and thin air, it takes about 30 minutes to complete. You should expect to take frequent breaks, as at this altitude the body tires more quickly, and oxygen absorption is significantly reduced.

After overcoming the last challenge, you will reach the summit of Mount Teide, where you can witness the spectacular sunrise. This is an unforgettable experience as the first rays of the sun begin to light up the entire island of Tenerife and the surrounding ocean. The view from the highest point in Spain more than compensates for the difficulties of the climb, making the effort to conquer El Teide truly worthwhile.

After the sunrise, you can spend a moment at the summit, enjoying the panorama, before starting your descent.

Instructions for Booking a Permit for a Night Hike on volcano El Teide

Many people may not realize that for each of the three options to reach the summit of the volcano, it is mandatory to book a permit in advance. The requirement to have a night permit for access to the summit was introduced in 2023, and with it, El Teide National Park implemented the option of free online reservations.

Let's start by clicking the link – permisos nocturnos.


  2. Next, at the top, on the burgundy bar, right next to "LISTA de ACTIVIDADES" (English: “LIST OF ACTIVITIES”), select "RESERVAS" (English: “BOOKINGS”).

  3. Choose the date you are interested in and the number of people, labeled as "NÚMERO de PLAZAS." Then, check the box "SELECCIONAR para continuar" and click the "Paso siguiente" button.

  4. Fill in all the required personal information and click that you agree to the regulations, which says "He leído y acepto estas normas." Click the "Paso siguiente" button again, and you will receive a confirmation email for your reservation.


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